Import audio or video


This topic is about creating audio or video sources by importing an existing audio or video file into the project.

If you want to work with YouTube videos, refer to Import  from YouTube.

If you want to work on an audio transcript without the audio file (perhaps you want to import it later), you can create an audio source without the media content.

What do you want to do?


What type of media files can I import?

You can import media files in the formats listed below.


  • MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 format (mp3)

  • MPEG-4 audio format (m4a)

  • Microsoft Windows Media formats (wma, wav)


  • MPEG formats (mpg, mpeg, mpe, mp4)

  • Windows Media formats ( avi, wmv)

  • QuickTime formats (mov, qt)

  • 3G Mobile Phone format (3gp)

  • AVCHD High Definition Video formats (mts, m2ts)

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Import an audio or video file

  1. In Navigation View, click the name of the sources folder that you want to import the audio or video into.

  2. On the External Data tab, in the Import group, click Audios or Videos.

The Import Internals dialog box opens.

  1. Under Import from, click the Browse button, and then select the file you want to import.  

  1. Click OK. The Audio/Video Properties dialog box opens.

  1. (Optional) Change the name or enter a description of the audio or video source.

  2. (Optional) Click the Audio or Video tab to set options for storing the media file—you can embed it in the project or store it outside the project on your computer or a network. Refer to Store audio and video files for more information.

  3. Click OK.


  • If you receive a message indicating that the media file cannot be imported, refer to Media file formats supported by NVivo 10 for information.

  • If the audio or video contains the responses of a particular research subject or case (for example, a person), you may want to code the entire media source at a new case node—click the More button, and then select the Code sources at case nodes located under check box.

  • The new case nodes are added at the root level of the Nodes folder, unless you click Select and specify an alternative location.

  • If you want to classify the new case nodes—click the Select button and choose the classification using the Select Project Items dialog box. All attributes will be set to default values.

  • You can import multiple files at the same time—refer to About sources (can I import a lot of source files at once?) for more information.

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Create an audio or video source without the media content

You can create an audio or video source without importing the media file. This is useful if you want to work on the transcript and import the file later on.

  1. In Navigation View, click the folder for the new source.

  2. On the Create tab, in the Sources group, click Audio or Video.

The New Audio or New Video dialog box opens.

  1. Enter a name for the source.

  2. (Optional) Enter a description for the source.

  3. Click OK.

The new audio or video source is opened in edit mode and you can add content to the transcript.

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Import media content into an audio or video source

If you have created an audio or video source in NVivo without a media file (perhaps so that you could import and work with the transcript), later on you might want to import the media file.

To import a media file into an existing audio or video source (which has no media file):

  1. Open the audio or video source.

  2. Make sure you are in edit mode.

  3. On the Media tab, in the Import group, click Media Content.

  1. Select the file and click Open.

NOTE  If you receive a message indicating that the media file cannot be imported, refer to Media file formats supported by NVivo 10 for information.

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