Import from YouTube


YouTube is a video-sharing social media website that is used for uploading, sharing and viewing videos. Users can post comments about videos.

You can import YouTube content that you have collected with NCapture.

You need NVivo 10 for Windows Service Pack 2 (or later) to work with YouTube videos in NVivo.

What do you want to do?



YouTube videos and comments can be captured and imported into NVivo. Before you can import YouTube content into NVivo, you first need to have captured it with NCapture.

The imported NCapture file creates a video source in NVivo that is linked to the video on YouTube. You need an internet connection and Internet Explorer 10 (or later) to play YouTube videos in NVivo.

Although you can play and analyze a YouTube video within your NVivo project, the video itself is located on YouTube. If the video is removed from YouTube, you will not be able to play it in your project.

If you choose to capture the comments for a video, a dataset source is also created that you can sort, filter or auto code.

NCapture is a web browser extension that enables you to gather material from the web to import into NVivo 10 (or later). NCapture may have been installed together with NVivo on your computer.

For information about capturing videos and comments from YouTube, refer to the NCapture Help.

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Create video sources from YouTube

  1. On the External Data tab, in the Import group, click From Other Sources, and then click From NCapture.

The Import from NCapture dialog box opens displaying the default folder location and any NCapture files that are stored at that location. If you want, you can import NCapture files from a different location—click Browse, and then change the folder location.

  1. Select one of the following options:

  • All captures not previously imported  Selects all NCapture files in the current location that have not been previously imported into your project.

  • All captures  Selects all NCapture files in the current location.

  • Selected captures  Allows you to choose which NCapture files you want to import. Select or clear the check boxes as required.

  1. Click Import. The NCapture files are imported into the current folder location in your project.

NOTE  If the Merge matching social media datasets (including previously imported) check box is selected, any matching YouTube datasets are merged together. New comments are added to the existing YouTube dataset. Matching datasets must have the same Source Names if you want the comments to be merged. Refer to Approaches to analyzing YouTube comments (Gather YouTube comments over time) for more information.

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Understand how YouTube content is imported

When you capture a YouTube video and then import the NCapture file, a video source is created that contains a link to the original video on YouTube. You can work with the YouTube video—for example, play, transcribe, or code—in the same way as other videos. You need an internet connection and Internet Explorer 10 (or later) to play YouTube videos in NVivo.

The YouTube video is not imported in your NVivo project, and it is not stored on your computer or network. It is important to realize that the author of the YouTube video can modify or remove the video. If the video is removed from YouTube, you will not be able to play it in your project. As a precaution, we recommend that you create a transcript of the video before you begin coding.

If you capture the comments (as well as the video), a dataset source is created. The video and dataset sources are created together in a folder.

Information you provided at the time of capture is imported as follows:

  • Your description becomes the description of the video (and dataset).

  • Your memo becomes a memo linked to the video source.

  • If you specified nodes at the time of capture, these nodes are created (unless they already exist). The entire video (and dataset) is coded at these nodes. Refer to About coding (Coding entire sources to a node) for more information.

Video (and dataset) sources are automatically classified with the source classification 'YouTube'. Information about the video (for example,Title and Author) is stored as attribute values for the source.

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