Import from NCapture

This dialog box is displayed when you import content from the web that was previously captured using NCapture.  

Options on this dialog

Import From

You can change the location that you will be importing captured files from. You can import as many captured files as you want from a single folder location.

Select captures to import

You can choose which files to import

  • All captures not previously imported  Excludes any NCapture files that were previously imported into the project.

  • All captures  Imports all NCapture files in the selected location. If a source with the same name already exists in the folder, the new item is renamed during import—for example Effects of Climate Change on Marine Life would be renamed Effects of Climate Change on Marine Life (2).

  • Selected captures  Enables you to choose which NCapture files you want to import. Select or clear the check boxes as required.

All NCapture files that are in the selected Import From location are listed here. You can click a column header to change the sort order of the files in the list. The following information is displayed in the list:

  • Source Name  Helps to identify the content. This is either the name automatically assigned by NCapture, or a name entered at the time of capture.

  • Captured On  Shows the date and time of the capture. The list is sorted on this column, so that the most recently captured files are shown at the top.

  • Captured From  Shows the URL of the web page that the content was captured from.

  • Previously Imported  Indicates whether the file has been previously imported into the project.

Merge matching social media datasets (including previously imported)  This is selected by default to merge matching social media datasets—for example, Facebook datasets containing wall posts from the same Group, LinkedIn datasets based on the same discussion or Twitter datasets based on the same hashtag search. Matching datasets containing Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter data do not need to have the same Source Names. For YouTube, you must use the same Source Name for the comments to be merged. Clear the check box if you do not want matching social media datasets to be merged. The only time you can merge matching social media datasets is when you import from NCapture. If you choose not to merge matching social media datasets during import, then you will not be able to merge them later in NVivo.