Add a filter to the reports and extracts you build

When you use the Report Wizard or Extract Wizard, you can set up a filter to limit the number of records displayed in the report or extract. You can:

  • Filter on a user-entered value. This will prompt the user to enter a value for the filter when they run the report.

  • Filter on a pre-defined value—for example, source type equals picture—if you always want to run the report using the same filter.

Understand how to set up a filter

1 Click the Add button to add a filter. You can add more than one filter.

2 Click Select and choose the field that you want to filter.

You can choose a field that will display in your report or you can choose a different field. For example, for a report that includes source name and thumbnail you could add a filter for source type equals picture.

3 Select a filter type from the list—for example, Equal to, Contains, or Is empty. The available options depend on the field type—for example, if you are filtering on a date, you can select Last month.


  • Choose the filter type In if you want to specify more than one criteria—for example if you want to report on water quality, habitat, and environmental impacts.

  • If you are creating a filter based on a user-entered value, the user will be able to choose a filter type when they run the report.

  • If you add more than one filter, all filters are applied—for example, source type equals picture AND coding node name equals water quality.

4 Enter the criteria or click Select to choose a specific item. If you are creating a filter on a user-entered value, select [prompt for parameter].

For some combinations of fields and filters, the Select button is not available—for example, if you choose Contains then you need to enter a text string.

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