Export Classification Sheets

The Export Classification Sheet dialog box is displayed when you export source or node classification sheets.

Options on this dialog

Export to  Displays a default location and name for the exported file—by default, the data is exported as a Microsoft Excel workbook (.xlsx).  If you are exporting a single classification sheet, you can export it as either an Excel workbook or tab-separated text file (.txt).

To change the file type, the file name or folder location, click the Browse button.

Item name format  This option controls the format of source or node names in the export file—you can select:

  • Hierarchical  The full hierarchical names (including folders)—refer to Hierarchical node and source names for more information.

  • Hierarchical (NVivo 8 or earlier)  The full hierarchical names (including folders)—select this option if you are exporting a classification sheet to a text file for import into an NVivo 7 or 8 project.

  • Name  The name of the source or node.

  • Nickname  (only available for nodes) The node's nickname—if a node has no nickname, then the name will be blank.

Under Matching Options, you can specify how 'Unassigned' and 'Not Applicable' attribute values will be represented in the export file:

  • By default, these values are represented in the export file by the words 'Unassigned'  or Not Applicable'.

  • You can select to represent these values as a dash (-), as null (none), or as a space.

Under Dates, Times and Numbers, you can specify the format of any dates, times and numbers in your data. By default, NVivo uses the dates, time and number formats specified in your Windows Regional Settings (Windows Control Panel).

  • Date Order  Select the order of day, month and year in your dates.

  • Date Delimiter  Enter the delimiter character that will separate the days, months and years in your dates—for example a slash (/) or a dash (-). Clear this box, if you do not want to separate days, months and years in your dates.

  • Time Delimiter  Enter the delimiter character that will separate the hours, minutes and seconds in your times—for example, a colon (:). Clear this box, if you do not want to separate hours, minutes and seconds in your times.

  • Four Digit Years  Select this option, if you want the years in your dates to include the century—for example '1999' or '2010'.

  • Leading Zeroes in Dates  Select this option, if you want the days and months in your dates to include leading zeroes—for example, January is represented by '01'.

  • Decimal Symbol  Specify the decimal separator you want to use in your numbers.

Under Data Format, you can specify the format of the export file. These options are only available when you are exporting to a text file.

  • File encoding  Displays the text file format that will be used. By default, NVivo exports the text file using 'Unicode - Codepage 1200'  encoding—you can select a different file encoding, if necessary.

  • Text qualifier  Displays the character that encloses text values. By default, NVivo encloses text in double quotation marks. If text is enclosed within quotation marks, then any field delimiters (tabs) that occur within the quotation marks can be interpreted as text.