Valid data types


This topic describes the data types that can be used in NVivo to store values in:

  • Dataset fields (columns)

  • Node and source classification attributes

Data type Used to store Examples

Any textual content—letters, numbers, or characters.


In codable dataset columns, you can use this data type to store responses to open-ended survey questions.

In classifying dataset columns, use this data type to store range names (Age 20-29 years), city names (Memphis) or country names (Brazil).

Integer A number with no decimal places


Decimal A number with decimal places 874.95
Date A calendar date (month, day of month and year) 10/28/2010
Time A time (hours, minutes and seconds) 06:10:00
Date/Time A calendar date and time within a single value 10/28/2010 06:10:00
Boolean Value pairs True or False, Yes or No, 0 or 1
Source Shortcut Used only in datasets to store a link to another source in the project. n/a—this data type is automatically selected when you import binary objects from a database table or view.

NOTE  You can choose how Boolean values are displayed in NVivo—refer to Set application options (Labels tab options) for more information.