Gather survey responses from multiple rows


When each respondent is represented by multiple rows (a row per survey question), you can use the Auto Code Wizard to gather the responses at a node.

In this example dataset (below), there are two survey questions. Each respondent therefore has two rows in the dataset, one row for the response to each question.

Respondent Question Answer
Anna 1 I think there should be more car-free zones
Anna 2 Electric buses and taxis would help reduce pollution in the inner city
Jack 1 Pedestrians need to feel safe. There should be better lighting and more police
Jack 2 We should create more green spaces
Maria 1 Safety barriers at busy intersections
Maria 2 I don't think they should tax car parks
Peter 1 Better education in schools about road safety
Peter 2 More street trees

If you want to gather all responses to Question 1 and Question 2 at separate nodes, you can use the Auto Code Wizard  to code the content in the Answer column at nodes representing the values in the Question column. All responses to Question 1 will be coded at the first node, and all responses to Question 2 will be coded at the second.

  • 1

  • 2

Alternatively, you could gather the responses of each survey respondent at nodes Anna, Jack, Maria and Peter to code the content in the Answer column at nodes matching representing values in the Respondent column. Each person's answers (to both questions) will be coded at the node that represents them.

  • Anna

  • Jack

  • Maria

  • Peter

Using the Auto Code Wizard you could achieve this as follows:

  1. On the first step of the Wizard, choose to code by structure.

  2. On the next step, choose to code at nodes for each value.

  3. When prompted to choose the column that contains the node names, choose one of the following.

  • the Question column to gather all responses to a particular question

  • the Respondent column to gather all responses by a particular individual.

  1. When prompted to choose columns that contain the content to code, choose the Answer column.

  2. Continue through the Wizard, selecting your preferred options, and then click Finish to auto code the dataset.

For more information, refer to Automatic coding in dataset sources.